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The Werd Nerd Blog

Don't Be Fooled: The 4 Stages of the Book Editing Process
Are you a first-time author who struggles to understand the book editing process? Gain a clear understanding from a professional editor.
Erika M. Weinert
Jul 19, 20248 min read

Benefits of Hiring an All-in-One Line and Copyeditor
Line editing and copyediting are equally important. Wouldn't it be great if you could hire just one editor for both and save money doing it?
Erika M. Weinert
Apr 7, 20233 min read

Grammarly vs. ProWritingAid: A Comparative Analysis
For writers of fiction—my clients and potential clients—I recommend ProWritingAid to create an engaging, marketable novel.
Erika M. Weinert
Jan 21, 20223 min read

Is It Worth It? Editing Mentorship From a Mentee’s Perspective
What comes to mind when you hear the word mentor? For me, the term always elicits the image of a wise, (typically) old man, imparting his...
Brittany Morgan
Jan 3, 20224 min read

Style sheets: What are they, and do I need one?
Style sheets are mini style guides, and yes, you need one. Most professional editors, like me, create style sheets for their clients.
Erika M. Weinert
Dec 1, 20213 min read

How The Werd Nerd Got Started
Editing is what lights my fire and puts a skip in my step.
Erika M. Weinert
Aug 4, 20215 min read

How to Write for Your Audience—Not Yourself
Writing for yourself instead of your audience results in writer-centric writing that does not offer real value to the reader.
Erika M. Weinert
Jul 28, 20215 min read

The Importance—and Misconception—of Editing with Empathy
Here’s what I mean when I say empathy: The ability to place yourself in someone else’s shoes and feel what they feel.
Erika M. Weinert
Jul 21, 20213 min read

Dear Writers: A Case for Clarification
Lost amidst the levels of editing? Writer & Editor Lessie Kauzlarich outlines some suggestions for writers navigating the editing process.
Erika M. Weinert
Jul 14, 20215 min read

The Importance of Mentors for Writers
Just like a teacher or a sports coach, a writing mentor helps you polish your manuscript before you publish it.
Garima Nabh
Jul 7, 20213 min read

What Are You Going to Do with that English Degree?
What do you say when someone asks what you’re going to do with your English degree? It's a pretty personal question. Here's my answer.
Erika M. Weinert
Jun 30, 20214 min read

Part 1: First-Time Author Mistakes & How to Avoid Them
There are things I search for before the actual editing begins. Here are some valuable additions to include in your self-editing process.
Erika M. Weinert
Jun 23, 20214 min read

The Controversial Exclamation Point!!!
Exclamation points are one of the most controversial punctuation marks in the literary world.
Erika M. Weinert
Jun 8, 20213 min read

10 Challenges Faced by Writers and How to Overcome Them
Like any other profession, being a writer is not an easy task, and it takes a long time before you can get your book published. But this...
Garima Nabh
Jun 2, 20216 min read

Working with a Book Editor
What's it like to work with an editor? From first contact to getting the edited manuscript back, here are some things you should know.
Erika M. Weinert
May 12, 20214 min read

Dangling & Misplaced Modifiers
Dangling and misplaced modifiers. What exactly are they, and how do I avoid using them in my writing?
Erika M. Weinert
Oct 29, 20202 min read

How Many Spaces After End Punctuation?
Have you ever wondered why you see two spaces after a period in some instances while only one space is used in others?
Erika M. Weinert
Oct 8, 20202 min read

Hello October!
Oh Fall, how I've missed you. October is my favorite month with its autumnal colors found everywhere from deciduous trees to seasonal...
Erika M. Weinert
Oct 1, 20201 min read

Killing Your Darlings (Don't Panic!)
What this means is that anything unrelated to your story's overall plot needs to be revisited with unsentimental objectivity.
Erika M. Weinert
Sep 21, 20202 min read

Trimming the Fat for Fiction Writers
Are you a writer who feels incredibly out of her depth? When a first-time writer gets close to completing her very first novel, the...
Erika M. Weinert
Sep 7, 20201 min read
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